High School Principal

Junior High and High School Principal
Lindsey Batchelor
Lindsey Batchelor

I am proud to be serving our district as JH/HS Principal and campus behavior coordinator.
Please feel free to contact me by email or phone, or you may schedule an appointment, if you prefer. Email is the best way to reach me ([email protected]) as I check it every day.

PARENTS: Here are some acts you can engage in daily to help your child succeed.

1. PLEASE: Ask your children what they learned in class today and have them teach it to you. It is the best way for them to learn and study. It also shows them that you value their education, so they should too.
2. Check your child's work for completion each night if he or she did not turn in the work in class. We learn every day.
3. At all levels, read with your child or require them to read. Just 10 minutes a day can help a struggling reader. Vocabulary extension and reading fluency are necessary for all people to read well. Even you! :)
4. Check your Ascender ParentPortal often to stay on top of your student's progress.
5. Talk to your child's teacher first if you have concerns or questions about your student; they know the most about their policies and your child's growth in their classroom. If you then wish to speak to me, do not hesitate to do so.